Vintage White nitrocellulose gloss varnishing

We will explain in detail how lacar our guitar in color that we like.

We start from the beginning of the process with the preparation of the support, until the final stage of polishing. In this case we have chosen as the color for our guitar, “Vintage White” but we can do it with any other color of the RAL or selection Custom Colors.

We can do both acoustic guitar and electric, as well as other instruments as may be violins, bass, …

The process consists of the following: Pigmentaremos our raw guitar body to give the desired color pigmented high gloss finish. Use nitro lacquer for the entire process for the following reasons:

โ€ข Easy to use and application, as it is a mono component varnish.
โ€ข The merger between each layer of product is perfect, which favors unification of multiple thin coats of product.
โ€ข It is a product that does not alter the sound of the instrument, always respecting the natural sound.
โ€ข We can choose to apply the color with both gun and compressor, as with spray.

Note: To get a finish like shellac, use as a last hand of the final process to colorless water lacquer high gloss. Water is transparent lacquer leaves a final appearance of leaves similar to shellac guitar.


Ease the process: It is not a difficult process to do, but you need patience to implement the whole process with the number of hands required application and in the right amount of varnish. Not to apply a large amount of hairspray will end before or obtain a better finish, but quite the opposite.

A single product: In this case we could finish the whole process with a single product. The finish “Vintage White Gloss” using hand over hand, until seal the wood and get the shine, feel and hardness necessary. But is this explanation of the process we will use white gloss nitro finish as a sealer and then apply the color “Vintage White Brightness” to end the colorless nitro + Polished gloss finish.

Choice of support or wood of our guitar is very important in any process of lacquering closed pore, select a plain wood with little pores, as this will greatly facilitate our painting process our guitar, saving time, money and varnish. In addition to obtaining a better end result.

Substrate Preparation:

The most important phase of the process are the first hands seal / anchor of the plate. If we do this stage properly, we will not get a good final result.

Amount of product to be applied in each hand: Always, always apply thin layers of material, for the following reasons.

a) We will avoid sags
b) We will avoid bordones material on the sides.
c) will merge better product layer by layer.
d) We will avoid wrinkles and orange peel.
e) Improving the evaporation of the solvents.

Spray painting / or Spray: We can select one or the other, but we recommend spray application, whenever we can choose the application form.

Beware sanding:

When sanding always perform the Dogfish use progressively less grain 240-1500 or 2000 (becoming thinner). Should never put too much pressure on the lacquer, as we run the risk of making peeled or mark excess stripe sandpaper.

Always sand in the same direction (the grain of the wood). In this case we will apply a light color, but when we paint dark colors, if we use sandpaper inadequate or poorly conducted this process, we defects appear in the last hands of gloss.

Necessary material:

โ€ข Nitorlak Guitars “Vintage” White Gloss Product no: 220122 (Bote 0,750cc)
โ€ข Nitorlak Guitars “Vintage White” Gloss Order no: 260712 (Bote 0,750cc)
โ€ข Nitorlak Guitars “Vintage” Gloss Order no: 220075 (Bote 0,750cc)
โ€ข Evap Valdis Universal Thinner. Media Product no: 540421

Application Process:

Here in this case wood humedeceremos not inflate the beta of the plate, but will sandpaper wood with grain 240-400, to fine tune the surface. Once smooth and free of fine sawdust, directly apply Gloss White Guitars Nitorlak background mode or sealant, for its good filling capacity. Apply hand after hand to stop completely sealed support. We may repeat the application process with an intermediate drying time of 8hrs and soft sanding between coats. We will go up the grain of sand from 240-800.

Can lower the white nitro between 5 to 10% with average universal solvent evaporation, this will help better stretch lacquer and does not believe orange peel. Do not apply the color, until we have totally fine support at this early stage sealing.

The next phase is to apply the first coat of finish Color “Vintage White”, apply a minimum of 2 to 3 coats of color. To cut strips of color on the guitar and is uniform, it is recommended that several cross with the gun to unify and distribute evenly the application passes. Here we must sandpaper with 800 grit and respect 8-10 hrs drying time between coats.

Finally we will set the color phase in our guitar and highlight the final gloss. Here we apply the transparent finish high gloss nitro.

We use grit 1500-2000 and is always advisable to reduce 10% solvent to avoid orange peel and obtain a surface as straight as possible. To make polishing you must wait a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks

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